IBM 7070 Simulator Usage


Copyright © 2007, Richard Cornwell
Copyright © 1993-2007, Robert M Supnik

COPYRIGHT NOTICE and LICENSE are at the end of this document.



The IBM 7070 was introduced in June 1960, as a replacement to the IBM 650. It had core memory up to 10,000 10 digit words.

The 7072 was introduced November 1962 and the 7074 on November 1961.

The 7074 is a faster version of the 7070 with the addition of memory up to 40,000 10 digit words.

The first 100 memory locations can be used as index registers. Most memory reference instructions allow for a field of digits to be selected to operate on and not modify the rest.

The 7070 is a decimal machine with each word consisting of 10 digits plus a sign. The sign can be plus, minus or alpha. Alpha data is stored 5 characters to a word (2 digits per character).

Simulator Files

To compile the IBM 7070, you must define USE_INT64 as part of the compilation command line.

Subdirectory File Contains
I7000 i7000_defs.h IBM 7000 simulators general definitions
  i7070_defs.h IBM 7070 simulator specific definitions
  i7000_chan.c Generic channel interface.
  i7070_cpu.c 7070 CPU, Channel, interface
  i7070_chan.c 7070 Channel.
  i7070_sys.c 7070 System interface
  i7000_cdr.c 7500 Card reader
  i7000_cdp.c 7550 Card punch
  i7000_com.c 7750 Communications Controller
  i7000_con.c 7551 Inquiry console.
  i7000_dsk.c 1301/2302 disk and 7238 drum controller.
  i7000_ht.c 7340 Hypertape controller.
  i7000_lpr.c 7400 Line printer
  i7000_mt.c 729 Tape controller.
  i7000_chron.c Chrono Clock.

IBM 7070 Features

The IBM 7070 simulator is configured as follows:

Device Name(s) Simulates
CPU 7070 CPU with 30KW of memory
CH0 Unit record devices
CH1..4 7504 Tape controller channels
CH5..7 7907 Disk, Hypertape, controller channels
MTA 729 Magnetic Tape Controller
MTB 729 Magnetic Tape Controller
MTC 729 Magnetic Tape Controller
CHRON Chrono Clock
HTA 7340 Hypertape, default not included.
HTB 7340 Hypertape, default not included.
CDR 7500 Card Reader
CDP 7550 Card Punch
LP 7400 Line Printer
DK 1301/2302/7304 disk.
INQ 7551 Inquiry console.
COM 7750 communications controller.
COML 7750 Communications lines.

If desired individual devices can be removed from the system by editing i7000_defs.h and changing the number of “NUM_DEVS_xxx” entries. The entry “NUM_UNITS_xx” determines the number of individual units for each controller.

Stop conditions

The 7090 simulator implements several unique stop conditions:

  • Undefined CPU instruction.
  • IO device not ready.
  • IO Check error.
  • Divide Error
  • Field Overflow (CPU enabled).
  • Sign Change (CPU enabled).
  • Alpha Index Word.
  • Invalid message to 7750.
  • No buffer storage available for input character on 7750.
  • N buffer storage available for output character on 7750.


The CPU options include setting memory size and CPU type.

SET CPU 7070                Sets CPU to emulate 7070.
SET CPU 7074                Sets CPU to emulate 7074.
SET CPU 5K                  Sets memory to 5K
SET CPU 10K                 Sets memory to 10K
SET CPU 15K                 Sets memory to 15K*
SET CPU 20K                 Sets memory to 20K*
SET CPU 25K                 Sets memory to 25K*
SET CPU 30K                 Sets memory to 30K*
SET CPU NOFLOAT             Disables floating point.
SET CPU FLOAT               Enables floating point.
SET CPU NOEXTEND            Disables extended memory support.
SET CPU EXTEND              Enables extended memory support.
SET CPU TIMER               Enables interval timer and interrupt.
SET CPU NOTIMER             Disables interval timer.

* Memory size is 10KW on a standard CPU, extended option must be enabled to use memory sizes over 10KW.

CPU registers include the visible state of the processor as well as the control registers for the interrupt system.

Name Size(digits) Comments
IC 5 Program Counter
AC1 10s Accumulator 1
AC2 10s Accumulator 2
AC3 10s Accumulator 3
IND 10 Error indicators
SW1..SW4 1 Sense Switches 1..4
SW 4 Sense Switches

The CPU can maintain a history of the most recently executed instructions.

This is controlled by the SET CPU HISTORY and SHOW CPU HISTORY commands:

SET CPU HISTORY             clear history buffer
SET CPU HISTORY=0           disable history
SET CPU HISTORY=n           enable history, length = n
SHOW CPU HISTORY            print CPU history
SHOW CPU HISTORY=n          print first n entries of CPU history

Instruction tracing shows the Instruction counter, the generated effective address, the value of memory before and after execution of the instruction and the decoded instruction in symbolic format.

I/O Channels (CH0..CH8)

The 7070 supports up to 8 channels. Channel models include:

7604                        standard multiplexer channel
7907                        advanced capabilities channel

Channels are fixed on the 7070.

Channel 0 is a pseudo channel for unit record devices.


Channels have the following registers:

Name Size(digits) Comments
ADDR 6 Channel data address
CMD 2 Channel command (octal)
LIMIT 6 Channel word count
ASM 10s Channel assembly register
LOCATION 6 Channel location counter
FLAGS 32 Channel status flags (binary)

For meaning of bits in FLAGS see i7000_defs.h.

The command:

SHOW CH                     Print summary of devices on channel

Unit record devices.

7500 Inquiry Station (INQ)

The inquiry station allows for communications with the operating system.

The station is half duplex and will either print or accept input.

Whenever the computer sends a message it is prefixed with a ‘R’ character.

When the station is ready to receive input it prompts with a ‘I’. Input is buffered until the return character is entered.

Backspace will remove the last character typed.

An <esc> will send an interrupt to the processor to request it read a record from the console.

An <esc> while in input mode will cancel input mode and clear any typed message.

7500 Card Reader (CDR)

The card reader (CDR) reads data from a disk file. Cards are simulated as ASCII lines with terminating newlines. Card reader files can either be text (one character per column) or column binary (two characters per column). The file type can be specified with a set command:

SET CDR FORMAT=TEXT         Sets ASCII text mode
SET CDR FORMAT=BINARY       Sets for binary card images.
SET CDR FORMAT=BCD          Sets for BCD records.
SET CDR FORMAT=CBN          Sets for column binary BCD records.
SET CDR FORMAT=AUTO         Automatically determines format.

or in the ATTACH command:

ATTACH CDR <file>                   Attaches a file
ATTACH CDR -f <format> <file>       Attaches a file with the given format.
ATTACH CDR -s <file>                Added file onto current cards to read.
ATTACH CDR -e <file>                At end-of-file, the reader will receive
                                    an end of file flag.

The card reader can be booted with:

BOOT CDR                    Start card reader to read one card.

Boot is currently not working.

The 7500 Card reader supported two modes of operation, alpha mode (default), and load mode in which the card had 5 words that were read into storage. To enable this set LCOL non zero.

SET CDR LCOL=n              Set load column detection.

If LCOL is set to a non-zero value, then on every card read is checked to see if there is a 12 punch in the designated column. If so the card is converted to decimal, every 10th column is used to determine the sign. Zone 12 is +, Zone 11 is -, no zone is Alpha.

The Card reader could single ready on one of two attention lines. To set which one receives the ready signal use the following commands:

SET CDR NOATTEN             Don’t signal when reader done.
SET CDR ATTENA              Signal on priority channel A.
SET CDR ATTENB              Signal on priority channel B.

Error handling is as follows:

error processed as
not attached report error and stop
end of file out of cards

7550 Card Punch (CDP)

The card reader (CDP) writes data to a disk file. Cards are simulated as ASCII lines with terminating newlines. Card punch files can either be text (one character per column) or column binary (two characters per column). The file type can be specified with a set command:

SET CDP FORMAT=TEXT         Sets ASCII text mode
SET CDP FORMAT=BINARY       Sets for binary card images.
SET CDP FORMAT=BCD          Sets for BCD records.
SET CDP FORMAT=CBN          Sets for column binary BCD records.
SET CDP FORMAT=AUTO         Automatically determines format.

or in the ATTACH command:

ATTACH CDP <file>                   Attaches a file
ATTACH CDP -f <format> <file>       Attaches a file with the given format.

The Card punch could single ready on one of two attention lines. To set which one receives the ready signal use the following commands:

SET CDP NOATTEN             Don’t signal when punch done.
SET CDP ATTENA              Signal on priority channel A.
SET CDP ATTENB              Signal on priority channel B.

Error handling is as follows:

error processed as
not attached report error and stop
OS I/O error report error and stop

7400 Line Printer (LP)

The line printer (LP) writes data to a disk file as ASCII text with terminating newlines. Currently set to handle standard signals to control paper advance.

SET LP NO/ECHO              Sets echoing to console of line-printer output.
SET LP LINESPERPAGE=lpp     Sets number of lines per page on printer.

The Line printer could single ready on one of two attention lines. To set which one receives the ready signal use the following commands:

SET LP NOATTEN              Don’t signal when printing done.
SET LP ATTENA               Signal on priority channel A.
SET LP ATTENB               Signal on priority channel B.

Error handling is as follows:

error processed as
not attached report error and stop
OS I/O error report error and stop

Magnetic Tape devices

729 Magnetic Tape (MTA-C)

These come in groups of 10 units each.

Each individual tape drive support several options: MTA used as an example.

SET MTAn REWIND             Sets the mag tape to the load point.
SET MTAn LOCKED             Sets the mag tape to be read only.
SET MTAn WRITEENABLE        Sets the mag tape to be writable.
SET MTAn LOW                Sets mag tape to low density.
SET MTAn HIGH               Sets mag tape to high density.

Options: Density LOW/HIGH does not change format of how tapes are written. And is only for informational purposes only.

Tape drives can be booted with:

BOOT MTxn                   Read in record into location 0.

Channel 1 supports the read binary opcode to load binary tapes in octal format.


Disabled by default. This is a special 729 tape drive which returns the current time. It supports the option of setting the channel and drive that it will occupy.

Note: You must disable the real 729 drive that is is replacing.

The clock responds to Read and Backspace commands. A read results in a 10 character buffer being generated that has the Month, Day, Hour, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds.

This time is taken from the local computer time.

SET CHRON CHAN=n            Set channel for chrono clock.
SET CHRON UNIT=n            Sets the unit for the chrono clock.

Example: To set Chronoclock to unit A9 do the following:


7907 Devices

These devices must be attached to a 7907 channel to work.

1301/1302/2302/7320 Disk devices

The 7631 file control supports up to ten devices, which can be 7320 drums, 1301 disks, 1302 disks, or 2302 disks. Unit types are specified with the SET command.

SET DKn TYPE=7320           Unit n is a drum
SET DKn TYPE=7320-2         Unit n is a drum (two modules).
SET DKn TYPE=1301           Unit n is a 1301 disk
SET DKn TYPE=130l-2         Unit n is a 1301-2 disk (two modules).
SET DKn TYPE=1302           Unit n is a 1302 disk
SET DKn TYPE=1302-2         Unit n is a 1302-2 disk (two modules).
SET DKn TYPE=2302           Unit n is a 2302 disk

Units can be SET ENABLED or DISABLED. In addition, units can be set to enable or disable formatting:

SET DKn FORMAT              Enable formatting
SET DKn NOFORMAT            Disable formatting
SET DKn HA2                 Enable writing of home address 2
SET DKn NOHA2               Disable writing of home address 2
SET DKn MODULE=n            Sets modules for unit, modules can only be even. 0 to 8.
SET DKn CHAN=n              Sets channel for unit (A-H).
SET DKn SELECT=n            Sets select on channel (0 or 1).

Formatting is disabled by default.

Error handling is as follows:

error processed as
not attached report error and stop
OS I/O error report error and stop

Hypertape 7340 Tape drive (HTA)

These come in groups of 10 units each. The controller defines which channel the devices will be on. By default these devices are not installed.

SET HTA CHAN=n              Sets channel for unit (A-H).
SET HTA SELECT=n            Sets select on channel (0 or 1).

Each individual tape drive support several options: HTA used as an example.

SET HTAn LOCKED       Sets the mag tape to be read only.
SET HTAn WRITEENABLE  Sets the mag tape to be writable.

NOTE: Hypertape drives may not be working correctly since there is very little documentation available on them.

7750 Communications Controller (COM and COML)

The 7750 is modeled as a terminal multiplexer with 33 lines. It consists of two device: COM is the multiplexer controller, and COML is the individual lines.

For the first 32 lines, the 7750 performs input and output through Telnet sessions connected via a user-specified listening port.

The 33rd line is permanently attached to the simulator console window. The ATTACH command specifies the port to be used for Telnet sessions:

ATTACH COM <port>           set up listening port

where port is a decimal number between 1 and 65535 that is not being used other TCP/IP activities.

Each line (each unit of COML) can be set to one of twp modes: KSR-35 and KSR-37. In KSR-35 mode, lower case input and output characters are converted automatically to upper case, and parity is ignored. In KSR-37 mode, lower case characters are left alone, and even parity is generated on input. KSR-37 is the default.

Once COM is attached and the simulator is running, the 7750 listens for connections on the specified port. It assumes that any incoming connection is a Telnet connections. The connections remain open until disconnected either by the Telnet client, a SET COM DISCONNECT command,or a DETACH COM command.

SET COM DISCONNECT=n        Disconnect line n
SET COM CHAN=n              Set channel for com controller.

The 7750 implements the following special SHOW commands

SHOW COM CONNECTIONS        Displays current connections to the 7750
SHOW COM STATISTICS         Displays statistics for active connections

The 7750 implements the following special SET commands:

SET COMLn LOG=filename      Log output of line n to filename
SET COMLn NOLOG             Disable logging and close log file
SET COMLn KSR35             Set line n to ksr-35
SET COMLn KSR37             Set line n to ksr-37
SET COMLn 2741              Set line n to 2741

The controller (COM) implements these registers:

Name Size Comments
ENABLE 1 Enable flag
STATE 6 Controller state
MSGNUM 12 Input message sequence number

Symbolic Display and Input

The IBM 7070 simulator implements symbolic display and input. Display is controlled by command line switches:

-c                          Display/Enter as BCD character
-m                          Display/Enter instruction mnemonics
(none)                      Display/Enter as decimal numnber.

Instruction input uses standard 7070 assembler syntax.

  • <opcode> <*><operand><+X#><(n,m)>
  • <opcode> <operand><+X#>,f2
  • <opcode> <opcode2><operand><+X#>

Character Codes

This is the mapping between character codes used by the simulator: Character code table


The following copyright notice applies to the SIMH source, binary, and documentation:

Original code published in 1993-2007, written by Robert M Supnik

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Except as contained in this notice, the names of the authors shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from each author.